TARS produces a range of quality publications which are only available to members. They are considered to be an important benefit of membership and, as such, TARS continually strives to improve, develop and enhance them. They are the primary method of communicating news, views and items of interest to the membership of the Society and are not distributed or sold to non-members by the Society.
Articles vary in length and can range from a news item of 50 words to a longer, more literary, article of up to 3000 words depending on the publication. Features cover all aspects of Ransome’s life, his works and the people and places which influenced and inspired him and his writing. There are also reports of TARS events, news items of interest to members, together with features on TARS members (groups or individuals), letters, notes and queries, quizzes or competitions, and the like.
Each publication relies for its production on volunteers from within the Society. The vast majority of articles, ideas, news items and photographs all come from submissions by TARS members. If you would like to write for one of the publications, or get involved with the backroom editorial team, please email:
Signals: signals@arthur-ransome.org (Regional event news or reports: please send to your Regional Newsletter Editor or Regional Chair)
The Arthur Ransome Club of Japan Founded in 1987, the Club was the first Arthur Ransome-interest group to set up, pre-dating TARS by three years. The Club holds events and produces a newsletter, 1929. (Contact Ms Mikako Tarashima)
The Tars Library holds many books both by and about AR and his contemporaries and authors with similar interests.
The transcripts of The Literary Weekend, talks given to TARS, are available to purchase, if you missed your attendee’s copy, from Society Information/TARS Stall. The Indexes are listed in Society Information/Literary Weekend.