TARS online membership system
The new online membership system is live. All those that have supplied new email addresses, thank you, this reduces the costs of the Society.
It is dependent on your email address to generate a username and password to access the Members’ area of this website. For those of you who do not have an email you will renew in the same way as before and we will manually add your details to the database which will be held securely on the cloud. If you have told us that you do not wish to have your data held on the cloud the Membership Secretary and Treasurer will hold your details on their computers as before, and integrate it into the big database on a home computer as it is needed for sending out your periodicals.
The new system has many advantages: amongst which are that we can adhere to the requirements of the Data Protection Act more easily, sharing data to run the Society in a tighter manner than before; it saves thousands of hours a year in trying to keep your data accurate; and should make it easier to keep the accounts in good order.
At the top right hand side in the Members’ area you will see My Account Payments and Renewals/View my Member Details. The Payments and Renewals is where you undertake financial transactions:
and just under the above are the bank details for those who wish to pay by BACS. Do remember that we have members with the same names so your membership number must appear in your Payment Reference, and it can be helpful to drop memsec@arthur-ransome.org an email saying that you have made a certain type of payment that day.
To change your contact details you need View my Member Details. Please keep us up to date with, particularly, email and telephone numbers. From the end of 2023 we will no longer be altering your member data and expect you to do this. Thank you.