For committee members, see Gateway pages in Signals.
Renewal notices for subscriptions are sent out to members with email during December for payment on or after January 1st. There is a form in Signals for those who still pay by manual means, such as cheque and BACS and is sent out in the Dec/Jan Signals. Any late payments will be at that year’s rate. How to pay TARS is set out on the form and in the right-hand tab, My Account.
The TARS Board has two subcommittees overseeing literary affairs:
The TARS Publications Committee (chairman Susan Gouldbourne) oversees the publications and publicity.
The TARS Literary and Resources Committee (Chairman Krysia Clack) oversees the work of the Library, the Literary Weekend, website, archives etc.
If you are interested in volunteering for these or any other position in the Board, please apply to the chairman. There are currently 3 vacancies starting in 2023.